MBBR- The advanced wastewater treatment solutions for wastewater concerns
Water is a valuable natural resource that is becoming more and more scarce today. For the survival of ecosystems and life, water plays a significant role. The uncontrolled consumption of water is a huge concern today. Apart from the inappropriate use of water, water pollution and contamination is another important issue. A number of elements or constituents get added to the water after its use due to which the water becomes wastewater e.g., domestic sewage or industrial wastewater.
Hence it is essential for adopting new and better ways to treat the wastewater before discharging them.
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are complex systems characterized by intercorrelated physical, chemical, and biological processes and reactions so that treated water could be discharged into the environment or reused further. The wastewater usually arises from a network of sewers that connects to homes, schools, industries, and businesses. The objective of wastewater treatment is to extract pollutants, remove toxicants, neutralize coarse particles, and kill pathogens so that the quality of discharged water is improved to reach the permissible level of water to be discharged into water bodies or the environment.
The processes used, to treat wastewater, can be divided into biological or physicochemical. Biological treatments are the ones mostly used in industry, due to their lower economic costs of operation and investment. Biological processes use small organisms like bacteria to aid in decomposing waste.
One of the most widely accepted biological wastewater treatment processes today is the Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). MBBR is an Advanced Wastewater Treatment that combines the strengths of biological processes, specifically activated sludge process and biofilm media while overcoming the shortcomings of biological processes for wastewater treatment.

Advantages of MBBR wastewater treatment –
Using moving bed biofilm reactors over other traditional wastewater treatment processes can be beneficial in a number of ways-
Compact: MBBR is a preferred choice in case of space constraints as it typically needs a much smaller footprint than other systems. Due to the maximized surface area the media provide for biofilm growth, the aeration tank used in MBBR can effectively treat the same amount of water as a much larger tank used for a more traditional process.
Simple: It is a straightforward system with minimal steps. While MBBR allows nature to take its course, the system is operator friendly. Just to look on development of Bio culture. Easy to be used for inexperienced plant operators.
Low maintenance: MBBR is mostly self-moderating with minimal maintenance.
Flexible: MBBR system can adjust to shock loads.
Efficient: MBBR system is faster than alternative methods to treat the water. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) for BOD and nitrogen removal with an MBBR is around six to eight hours. The continuously moving media and the sheer amount of biofilm make this low HRT possible.
FBL Environmental Solutions provides design, engineering and construction of water & wastewater treatment in India. FBL offers MBBR engineering solutions for the reuse of wastewater. Fermenta offers a holistic range of services including EPC, Integrated Biotechnology (a synergistic blend of bacteria and enzymes for wastewater solutions), Automation (PLC-SCADA), Operation and maintenance to ensure efficient working of plants in addition to revamping existing plants for increased performance.
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