Page 168 - FBL AR 2019-20
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Fermenta Biotech Limited
           Annual Report 2019-20

          Notes to the Standalone financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020

          57  Investment properties (contd.)

          Amount recognised in Standalone statement of profit and loss
                                                                                                     ( H in Lakhs )
          Particulars                                                            March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
          Income from investment properties                                              1,505.54      1,349.81
          Less: Direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) generating income from    934.24    780.21
          investment properties
          Income arising from investment properties                                       571.30         569.60
          Less: Depreciation                                                             (255.55)       (260.17)
          Income/(loss) arising from investment properties after depreciation             315.75         309.43

          Refer note 44(B) for operating lease arrangements and total future minimum lease rentals receivable
          Refer note 23 for the existence of restrictions on the realisability of investment property or the remittance of income and proceeds of disposal

          58  Share-based payments
          Employee share option plan of the Company
          1.1  Details of the employee share option plan of the Company
          This ESOP 2019 scheme has been framed pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation between the erstwhile Fermenta Biotech Limited
          (Transferor Company) with DIL Limited (Transferee Company) and their respective shareholders. The Transferor Company prior to the Scheme
          of Amalgamation had implemented the ‘Fermenta Biotech Limited - Employee Stock Option Plan 2019’ and were granted employee stock
          options to its eligible employees. Further, the number of transferee options issued shall equal to the product of number of transferor options
          outstanding on effectiveness of Scheme multiplied by the Share exchange ratio (0.398) and each transferee option shall have an exercise
          price per equity share equal to transferor option exercise price per equity shares divided by the share exchange ratio (0.398) and fractions
          rounded off to the next higher whole number. The terms and conditions of ESOP 2019 Scheme of DIL Limited are not less favourable than
          those of ESOP Scheme of erstwhile Fermenta Biotech Limited. Under the ESOP 2019 Scheme, stock options have been issued to the eligible
          employees of erstwhile Fermenta Biotech Limited (Refer note 1.2).
          In accordance with the terms of the plan, as approved by the erstwhile shareholders of Fermenta Biotech Limited at an extra ordinary general
          meeting, executives and senior employees with the Company were granted options to purchase equity shares.
          Each employee share option converts into one equity share of the Company on exercise. No amounts are paid or payable by the recipient
          on receipt of the option. The options carry neither rights to dividends nor voting rights. Options may be exercised at any time from the date
          of vesting to the date of their expiry.
          The number of options granted is calculated in accordance with the performance-based formula and is subject to approval by the remuneration
          committee. The formula rewards executives and senior employees to the extent of the Company’s and the individual’s achievement judged
          against both qualitative and quantitative criteria.

          The following share-based payment arrangements were in existence during the current year:
                                                                                                     ( H in Lakhs )
          Options series                          Number**    Grant date   Expiry date  Exercise price  Fair value at
                                                                                                   grant date
          Plan 1 (60% of options granted under ESOP 2019)  1,26,143  25.02.2019 and   25.02.2025 and   83.67  421.71
                                                              12.08.2019   12.08.2025
          Plan 1 (20% of options granted under ESOP 2019)  42,047  25.02.2019 and   25.02.2026 and   83.67  421.71
                                                              12.08.2019   12.08.2026
          Plan 1 (20% of options granted under ESOP 2019)  42,047  25.02.2019 and   25.02.2027 and   83.67  421.71
                                                              12.08.2019   12.08.2027
         Plan 2 (100% of options granted under ESOP 2019)  2,17,410  25.02.2019  25.02.2025  83.67      418.22

   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173