Page 205 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 205

                                                                                        OVERVIEW  STATEMENTS  STATEMENTS

            Notes to the Consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020

            18  Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                                    March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Balances with banks
            In Unpaid dividend accounts                                                      13.51          15.25
            In escrow account                                                                 3.70             -
            In deposit accounts with original maturity for more than 3 months but less than 12 months*    2,542.33    5,021.67
                                                                                           2,559.54       5,036.92
            *This includes deposits held under lien by bank against guarantees and other commitments amounting to H1,947.61 Lakhs (as at March 31,
            2019: H560.69 Lakhs)
            19  Loans (Current)
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                                    March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Unsecured, considered good
             Inter corporate deposits # (Refer note 67)
               D.K.Biopharma Private Limited                                               2,130.00       1,150.00
             Loans to employees                                                                 -           30.03
             Others                                                                             -            0.23
                                                                                           2,130.00       1,180.26
            # The inter-corporate deposits were granted to the entity for the purpose of its business.
            20  Other financial assets (Current)
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                                    March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Interest accrued but not due
             On fixed deposits from banks                                                    20.17          99.48
             On fixed deposits with a financial institution                                  11.54           5.53
             On Inter corporate deposits (Refer note 67)                                    198.88          43.05
            Deposits with a financial institution*                                          400.00         100.00
             Unsecured, considered good                                                       6.68          10.16
             Unsecured, considered doubtful                                                   1.18           1.18
             Less: Allowance for doubtful advances                                           (1.18)         (1.18)
                                                                                              6.68          10.16
                                                                                            637.27         258.22
            *Deposits kept under lien with Bajaj finance limited amounting to H400 Lakhs (as at March 31, 2019: H Nil Lakhs)
            21   Other current assets
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                                    March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Advance for supply of goods and services
             Considered good                                                                415.97         368.25
             Considered doubtful                                                             36.36           4.41
             Less: Allowance for doubtful advances                                          (36.36)         (4.41)
                                                                                            415.97         368.25
            Deferred rent                                                                     3.62          17.33
            Prepaid expenses                                                                180.14         194.24
            Travel advances to employees                                                     28.72           6.02
            Unamortised lease premium                                                           -           18.16
            Export incentive receivables
             Considered good                                                                488.26        1,500.43
             Considered doubtful                                                              3.24           3.24
             Less: Allowance for doubtful export incentive receivables                       (3.24)         (3.24)
                                                                                            488.26        1,500.43
            Balances with government authorities                                           1,370.73       1,464.13
            Others                                                                              -            4.73
                                                                                           2,487.44       3,573.29

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