Page 225 - FBL AR 2019-20
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                                                                                        OVERVIEW  STATEMENTS  STATEMENTS

            Notes to the Consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2020

            48  Related parties disclosures as per Ind AS 24 (contd.)
                                                                                                      ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                                    March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            i.    Other financial liabilities (Interest accrued but not due)
               Holding company
                 DVK Investments Private Limited                                                -          38.79
            j.    Provision for share of loss in a joint venture in excess of cost of investment
               Joint venture
                 Agastya Films LLP                                                           5.97           5.97

            49  During the previous year ended March 31, 2019, the Parent Company sold 45,186 equity shares of H10 each in Zela Wellness Private
               Limited (Zela). Consequently, the Company’s equity holding in Zela Wellness Private Limited (Zela) is reduced to 16.59% as against earlier
               29.5% and accordingly, post November 29, 2018, the entity is not an associate of the Company.
            50  Research and development expenditure:
               Research and development expenditure of H653.85 Lakhs (March 31, 2019: H879.10 Lakhs) (excluding interest and depreciation) has
               been charged to the Consolidated statement of profit and loss. The capital expenditure in the current year on research and development
               amounts to H497.20 Lakhs (March 31, 2019: H115.16 Lakhs).
            51  During the year ended March 31, 2020, Commission of H248.00 Lakhs to the Managing Director and Executive Directors and directors
               sitting fees and commission to non-executive directors aggregating H73.34 Lakhs has been charged to the Consolidated statement of
               profit and loss. During the year ended March 31, 2019, Commission of H1,137.54 Lakhs to the Managing Director and Executive Director
               of Erstwhile Fermenta Biotech Limited and Commission and directors sitting fees aggregating H169.98 Lakhs to the Non-Executive
               directors has been charged to the Consolidated statement of profit and loss

            52  Categories of the financial instruments
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
            Particulars                                                            March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Financial assets
            Financial assets measured at fair value through Other comprehensive income
             Investments in equity instruments - quoted                                     21.49          10.14
             Investments in equity instruments - unquoted                                    4.11          48.05
            Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
             Investments in mutual funds - unquoted                                            -          114.79
            Financial assets measured at amortised cost
             (i)    Trade receivables                                                     6,977.42       6,554.40
             (ii)   Cash and cash equivalents                                              751.45        4,076.50
             (iii)  Bank balances other than (ii) above                                   2,559.54       5,036.92
             (iv)  Share application money                                                     -          597.00
             (v)   Loans                                                                  2,155.00       1,205.58
             (vi)  Other financial assets                                                 1,042.95        720.97
            Total Financial assets                                                      13,511.96       18,364.35
            Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost
             (i)    Borrowings                                                           22,029.02      20,869.51
             (ii)   Lease liabilities                                                      368.91             -
             (iii)  Trade payables                                                        5,633.47       4,271.97
             (iv)  Other financial liabilities                                            1,616.15       3,109.75
            Total Financial liabilities                                                 29,647.55       28,251.23
            53  Reconciliation of Level 3 fair value measurements:

            Particulars                                                            March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
            Opening balance                                                                 48.05            4.11
            Transferred during the year                                                         -           43.94
            Total gains or (losses)
              Recognised in consolidated statement of profit and loss.                      (43.94)            -
            Closing balance                                                                  4.11           48.05

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